Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blog Stuff

No Bible stories here, just some blog business. First, I have been added to the Atheist Blogroll! It is a list of blogs run by atheists, agnostics and skeptics, though not necessarily religion-themed, so somewhat diverse. And it is now scrolling along on the right! It is the latest step in my plan to become Famous on the Internet, and probably the last one on account of I'm very lazy.

Second, due to my one-step plan to Make Money on the Internet, there are ads. One day I will figure out how to make them ads for nerdy T-shirts and not online seminaries, because I know my reader base better than Google's keyword algorithm does. IF you see an interesting ad and feel inclined to click upon it, please do so because I (theoretically) get money! I would never DREAM of asking you to click on an ad solely for this purpose, of course *wink*.

Finally, a delayed THANK YOU to my dear friend over at Shoot the Sea for drawing my delightful profile picture! She absurd and quite talented, and you will certainly enjoy her work.

Dinah NEXT.


  1. Hi, I really like the idea of this blog. Not many people can truly say they understand the whole of the bible. Eventually you will be able too, and able to say with confidence what a stupid book it is!
    I've added you to my blogrol!. A rare privilege at the moment! Keep up the good work.

  2. Welcome to the atheist blogosphere!
